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  • jholmes2

March 18 - Gas Utility Worker Day

Decatur Utilities is observing national Natural Gas Utility Workers’ Day on March 18, 2022. This is the seventh year in which Natural Gas Utility Workers’ Day has been officially celebrated across the country. This day of recognition is a time when communities such as ours give recognition to the employees who provide one of their most valuable assets—their natural gas utility.

The March 18 date was chosen because that is the date of the New London, Texas school explosion in 1937 that led to the widespread odorization of natural gas and an increased emphasis on safety. Safety is a vital aspect to natural gas distribution and the employees of distribution companies like DU endeavor to make natural gas delivery as safe as possible.

DU educates customers on how to identify a potential leak by smell (rotten egg odor), sound (hissing) and sight (dirt being disturbed or standing water bubbling.) We also inform customers of the proper steps to take if a leak is suspected: evacuate the building to a safe distance, don’t use any appliances or devices that could cause a spark and contact DU dispatch immediately.

This annual nationwide event is intended to build public awareness about the hard work done by the employees of natural gas utilities. Natural gas is a safe, economical energy alternative for heating homes, heating water and fueling business and industrial practices. Our customers recognize the need to access reliable, affordable, safe energy and depend on the service of our natural gas employees.

DU’s Natural Gas Department, part of the Gas/Water/Wastewater Operations Group, has been honored many times with industry awards for safety and best practices, including the American Public Gas Association’s (APGA) System Operational Achievement Recognition (SOAR) Bronze Award in 2018 as well as multiple APGA Safety Awards over the years.

DU’s Energy Analysis staff also works diligently to monitor the natural gas market and purchase natural gas supply well into the future to hedge against future spot market price spikes so ratepayers enjoy more stable monthly bills.

To learn more about natural gas availability at your location and natural gas rebates, contact DU Customer Service at 256-552-1400 Opt. 4.

More on the New London School explosion:

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