UPDATE - Your phone number

Why does DU need your phone number?
Electric customers can use their phone number to report outages using our Outage Management System and Interactive Voice Response system. BUT, we must have an accurate phone number associated with your DU account.
SO, if your phone number as recently changed, use the form below to submit your new, updated phone number so we can update your account.
If you have no phone number associated with your account, you can submit that as well.
With yout phone number tied to your DU account, you can report outages:
By phone at 256-552-1400 Opt. 1 and follow the system prompts to enter your number
OR you can notify us of your outage even FASTER* by:
Texting "OUT" to 1-844-965-1351
OR using the SmartHub app on your mobile device or laptop/PC
*NOTE: You must be a registered SmartHub user and have your phone number on file to use these options!
More info on registering for SmartHub and view "how to" videos, click here.
Submit or update your phone number: