RESIDENTIAL - Bill Assistance & Energy Efficiency

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Bill Assistance & Efficiency
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DU Natural Gas Rebates
Payment Assistance
The following assistance programs are administered through Community Action Partnership of North Alabama (CAPNA).
LiHEAP: Low-Income Home Energy Assistance
Customers may receive assistance one time per season​
Heating Season: Nov. 1 - May 31 (This was extended to June 30 this year due to COVID-19)​
Cooling Season: June 1 - Oct. 31
Additional COVID-19 funds were added to this pool for 2020
Qualification guidelines have been relaxed to make more customers eligible due to COVID-19 impact
Customers who receive assistance during a heating and/or cooling season may also apply for assistance in future heating and/or cooling seasons
Operation: Warm
Provided by local utility customers who add $1 or more to their monthly bill
Funds are administered by CAPNA
Funds are for the elderly, handicapped or those in a health crisis
Assistance is available only one time per customer per lifetime
Local COVID-19 Relief Funds
Provided in part by DU through the TVA Community Care Fund, matched locally by 3M, Renasant Bank and Alabama Farmers Cooperative​
Also provided by United Way of Morgan County through Public Supermarket, other sources
Available to help with rent and mortgage assistance for those impacted by COVID-19
Customers may receive assistance from this fund for rent/mortgage payments AND either LiHeap/Operation Warm for utility assistance
Customers may receive assistance from this fund one time only
Assistance will be available until funds are exhausted
Customers wishing to apply for assistance may do so online at or by calling 256-355-7843. Application packets are also available in the front self-service kiosk at DU (1002 Central Parkway SW).
Summer Energy Efficiency
​Set your air conditioner thermostat to 78ºF (or even higher if you can bear it) and bump it up to 85ºF when you leave for an extended period of time. Heat pumps are designed to overcome about a 20º difference in outside and inside temperature.
Operate your dryer and dishwasher at night (after 8 p.m.) on hot days and let your dishes air dry. It’s best to avoid the use of major appliances between 2 and 8 p.m. Why? Appliances generate additional heat - which your cooling unit must overcome.
Avoid heat-generating incandescent lighting and use a microwave, toaster or outdoor grill instead of the oven when possible.
Close blinds during the day and open them at night.
Set your ceiling fans to rotate in a counter-clockwise direction. This will create a “wind chill” effect that make the room temperature feel cooler.
Winter Energy Efficiency
Set your heating system thermostat to 68ºF (or even lower if you can bear it) and to 56 - 60ºF when you leave for an extended period of time.
Setting the thermostat lower will keep your heating unit from working as hard.
Keeping your home cool at night - and bundling up with blankets, socks and warm pajamas - can help keep your bill a little lower each month.
Take advantage of solar energy! Open curtains on your south-facing windows during winter days to allow free heat into your home. Close window coverings after the sun goes down to avoid losing that heat!
Make sure your ceiling fans are rotating in a clockwise direction. Setting the fan to clockwise for the winter will push warm air down and “trap” it where you want it! Set the rotation speed to a low level.
Keep your fireplace damper closed unless a fire is burning. Keeping the damper open is like keeping a window wide open during the winter.
Use a humidifier to add moisture to the air. The air inside your home can become very dry. Moist air feels warmer and holds heat better, so a humidifier can help.
General Efficiency Tips
Caulk and weatherstrip around windows and doors to stop air leaks.
Make sure you have at least 10” of blown attic insulation over all heated and cooled areas. (Approximately R38)
Seal gaps in floors and walls around pipes and wiring.
Service your HVAC unit ANNUALLY and change air filters MONTHLY. Inspect ductwork and repair any gaps.
Keep your outside air unit clean and clear of debris.
Keep all windows and doors near your thermostat closed tightly.
Keep heat sources such as lamps and appliances away from your thermostat.
Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescents or LEDs – they use 75% less energy.
Turn off lights, televisions and other appliances when not in use.
Install aerating, low-flow faucets and shower heads.
Fix any leaky faucets – one drop per second can add up to 165 gallons a month.
Wrap your water heater with insulation or install an insulating blanket.
Reduce hot water use by taking shorter showers and using cold water for the rinse cycle in your washer.
Download our Energy Efficiency fact sheet.